Donor Heart Match – Transplant Slated for October 11, 2016

I have today been told by doctors at Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital that a donor heart is available for me and will be transplanted tomorrow (Tuesday) morning.

Head of the heart transplant unit Dr Willie Koen brought the news just after 3pm. The donor heart is a match for you in all respects, said Koen, and it almost felt to me – as I thought about it later – that he had said “perrfect match” but that would be an unfair characterisation of his words.

The operation is scheduled for 7am and will run for four hours.

The details are sketchy simply because there is not much time to ask many questions of medical staff who are now counting down the hours, as overnight medication is diarised, blood requests sent to the blood bank, drips prepared.

Busyness envelopes my bed, but there is a communal broad smile on the faces of the nurses, they can’t be more happy that my situation is progressing.

Of course, I understand that – until the donor heart arrives in the operating theatre when I am being prepared in the morning and final assessments are made – there is the slimmest chance that it won’t be a complete match and the heart must go to someone else. But, for now, it has been matched to me.

According to the doctors, I will be in an induced state of unconsciousness until about Thursday morning. It will be a couple of weeks before I am able to communicate with anyone outside of my immediate family.

Thank you for your prayers and messages of concern.

I ask you to say a prayer for and remember the family of the person whose heart has been matched with me. There is loss and heartache in that home tonight.


Donor Heart Match – Transplant Slated for October 11, 2016

6 thoughts on “Donor Heart Match – Transplant Slated for October 11, 2016

  • 10th October 2016 at 11:21 pm

    All the best Ray. I admire your spirit. Hope to chat after the op.

  • 11th October 2016 at 5:29 am

    Dearest Ray
    How wonderful that this is finally happening. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a complete recovery. Much love Jan

  • 11th October 2016 at 10:34 am

    Dear Raymond, if all goes according to plan –and I hope it does– you will read this only after Thursday, perhaps only a few weeks from now. I am pleased that you found a match and hold you, your family, all the medical personnel involved, and the family of the donor in my thoughts. May the donor heart be a good match, may the surgeons have steady hands and may your body respond positively to the heart that will now beat in your chest. Best wishes for a steady and full recovery.

  • 11th October 2016 at 12:48 pm

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Our cell group prayed for you a couple of weeks ago. God bless you. Brenda H from St Nics.

  • 11th October 2016 at 1:37 pm

    Dearest Raymond we rejoice with you and your family. This is awesome news! A gift of life! In the same breath we commend the soul of your donor in the safe keeping of our maker. It is our sincere prayers that God will bless the doctors, nurses and all those who will be part of this transplant process. God’s Blessings!

  • 13th October 2016 at 5:55 pm

    Wow Ray, as I am reading your story I can’t even imagine how you feel and did feel!! To me it is almost unreal and to think your body has accepted this amazing heart so wonderfully!!! All Glory to our God for taking your through this journey and keeping you safe 🙂 all I can say now is – Vintage model with a new engin 😉 xxx


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