Tribunal into complaint against Mbenenge starts Monday – but you’ll hear nothing about proceedings

President of Tribunal Ngoepe and Chief Justice Maya ‘still consulting’ on media attendance

UPDATE: SABC is reporting on Sunday morning that Monday’s hearing will deal only with preliminary matters.

  • The judge against whom a complaint was lodged, and their legal representative, if one has been appointed.
  • The person who lodged the formal complaint against the judge and which is the subject of the hearing, and their legal representative.
  • Persons subpoenaed or called as a witness, with or without their legal representatives.
  • Employees in the Office of the Chief Justice assigned to provide investigative and administrative support to the tribunal.

SABC television news reported early Sunday morning that it “understood” Monday’s tribunal hearing would deal with preliminary matters only, ahead of a future hearing to hear evidence.

Tribunal into complaint against Mbenenge starts Monday – but you’ll hear nothing about proceedings

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