Looking Forward to Getting Better

CHD Pix 9 TshefuTshefu Pefumlela is 21 months old and was one of the new patients seen at the paediatric cardiology clinic at Cecilia Makiwane Hospital this month. He has a large hole in his heart and will be admitted to Red Cross Children’s Hospital in Cape Town next year to close the hole.

His mother, Yoliswa, says he was born in Bhisho hospital and diagnosed with CHD at 14 months after he contracted pneumonia.

While he has never tired easily – a factor which affects many children with CHD – Yoliswa says her son has struggled to gain weight.

“I was very worried, I literally cried. Even now, I am worried, but I am looking forward to the operation. If it means my child is going to be better, I’m looking forward to it.”

Looking Forward to Getting Better

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